
Dues categories

2024-25 KYCPA Dues Codes

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1 Partner/Shareholder/Individual Practitioner of a public accounting firm $445
2 CPA in business & industry (C-Suite only) limited to CFOs, CEOs, COOs $445
3 CPA holding an original certificate 5 years or more (who does not meet another dues classification) $375
4 CPA holding an original certificate less than 5 years (who does not meet another dues classification) $320

Non-CPA Associate – limited to:

• college graduates of more than one year who are actively pursuing a CPA certificate

• non-CPA professionals employed by a CPA firm

• non-CPA finance professionals

• CPA exam passers

• non-CPA accounting educators

• non-CPA licensed attorneys 

6 Part-time CPA - not employed full-time [more than 20 hours per week] and not seeking full-time employment $215

Retired - CPA who works fewer than 20 hours per week and has a minimum of 25 years of Society membership.

8 Life Member - CPA who been a Society member for a minimum of 40 years; will remain on the email list $55
9 Student or Emerging Professional – currently enrolled in a college/university or a college graduate of up to one year $0