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Monday, July 29

2024 A Practitioner's Guide to IRAs and Qualified Retirement Plans

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Monday, July 29

2024 Accounting & Auditing Update

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Monday, July 29

2024 Annual Update for Governments and Not-for-Profits


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Watch the latest edition of the Monthly Minute to learn more about what's new on the KyCPA Knowledge Hub! Our library of free downloadable content includes white papers, webinars, product guides, case studies, industry analysis and much more, provided by experts and vendors within the accounting industry. By downloading the content, you may be contacted by the provider.

KyCPA Accepting College Scholarship Applications

2024 legislative review

On Monday, April 15, the Kentucky General Assembly adjourned sine die, ending the 2024 60-day Legislative Session. With the passage of the Commonwealth’s two-year budget serving as the legislature’s top priority, tax policy updates, CPA educational modifications, and business legislation were enacted into law. Following Governor Andy Beshear’s re-election to a second term in November, an initial Executive Branch budget proposal was revealed in late December. Although the Governor can provide recommendations for funding the Executive Branch, the General Assembly has sole power over the state’s appropriations process. Kentucky operates on a two-year, biennial budget for all parts of its government. The 60-day Sessions are designed specifically to address the biennial budget and revenue matters.

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KyCPA Accepting College Scholarship Applications

Mythbusters: KyCPA member survey

KyCPA members benefits are continually evaluated to make sure the Society is meeting the needs of members. In the fall of 2023, more than 500 KyCPA members completed the latest member survey. Results of this survey help to reveal opportunities to better serve members and to grow as an organization. One opportunity is to combat some myths that some members may have regarding member benefits and services.

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KyCPA Accepting College Scholarship Applications

Protecting and enhancing taxpayer rights

Several changes to Kentucky’s tax code would enhance Kentucky taxpayers’ rights and increase fairness to Kentucky taxpayers. What is fairness anyway? Fairness is described as “lack of favoritism toward one side or another” by Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “evenhandedness” by, and “the quality of being reasonable, right, and just” by Collins Dictionary. Following are some such enhancements, all of which are supported and suggested by the Kentucky Society of CPAs.

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KyCPA Accepting College Scholarship Applications

KyCPA history 1950-1974

Each issue in 2024 of The Kentucky CPA Journal will contain historical content in celebration of our 100-Year anniversary. In this issue the focus is the history of the Kentucky Society of CPAs and the CPA profession in Kentucky during 1950-1974.

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Elizabeth Rankin, CPA, owner of ANEW 401K TPA, LLC

“I have learned so much about leadership, presentation skills, and professionalism during my volunteer time; it has served me well and will continue to serve me in the future.”

—Elizabeth Rankin, CPA, owner of ANEW 401K TPA, LLC | Member since 1998